May 2, 2012

Newt Gingrich Runs Out of Ideas

What in the world ever became of Gingrich?  He’s lost his sparkle you know he isn’t the same.  Living on debt, vitamin C and Moonbeams, all a Demo can say is ain’t it a shame.*

Poor Newt Gingrich, the self-proclaimed “ideas” candidate, finally ran out of same and ended his campaign today.  I suppose if you claim to be a man of ideas and vision, and you can’t convince even the most gullible Republicans (i.e., Tea Party members) to vote for you, then your ideas and vision are a little cloudy.  Newt ran around the country proclaiming that he was responsible for the last balanced Federal budget, that he was responsible for reforming Congress, that he was the real Reagan conservative.  The only problem with all of his proclamations was that none of them were remotely true.  Gingrich adhered to the popular political premise that “if I say it enough, it must be true.”   Well, that might have been something that politicians could get away with 20 years ago, but in the age of YouTube and 24/7 news cycles, there are truth trackers galore to bring inventive politicians like Gingrich back down from his moon colony.

I’m sure we haven’t seen or heard the last of Newt Gingrich.  But I’ll always cherish my favorite memory of Gingrich: abruptly resigning as Speaker of the House, the 3rd most powerful position in the free world. But what makes his resignation all the more interesting is that he left office right in the middle of impeaching President Clinton for denying a White House sexual dalliance.  Why would a Republican Speaker of the House resign at such an historic and politically charged moment in history?

Well, apparently Newt had more in common with Bill Clinton then he led on.  For he too couldn’t resist the amorous advances of a congressional intern and he did the old “Congressional Fillibuster” with her right in his office.  On his desktop.  In Congress.  While simultaneously moving to impeach Bill Clinton for an amorous fling with Monica Lewinsky in the White House.  His Republican colleagues quickly forced his resignation and Newt was ousted from Congress. 

Hard to believe, but you can’t make this stuff up.  Maybe Newt really was an ideas man after all. 

*Truckin’ reference stolen from the Grateful Dead.