February 22, 2010

Call Me Edward Cullen

My last post discussed efforts by the Republican members of Congress to take credit for stimulus money flowing to their districts, after voting against the bill last year. Check out this article from Bloomberg, on the numerous Republican members of Congress that simultaneously voted against the bill while actively pursuing money and taking credit for bringing vital projects to their districts: Bloomberg News Article

This is more than an issue of hypocrisy. This is an issue of leadership and trust, and whether the public good is well served by representatives willing to say anything to achieve political gain. The Republican Party believes that we, the public won't notice the difference. I think we will.

What if I told you I was 6-foot, 2-inches tall and looked like Robert Pattinson, the actor with the tussled locks who played teen vampire "Edward Cullen" in the Twilight movies? I suppose you would have no reason not to believe me. Why couldn't I be? It's possible. But what if we met and you discovered I'm actually only 5'-8" and 52 years old, with less hair than Alan Cranston (come on, you remember him)? You would immediately question my credibility, not to mention my sanity. I wanted you to see me one way, but an objective view of reality turned out to be quite different. Made me look like a fool, wouldn't you agree?

It gets better. Suppose that after our meeting I held a press conference to insist that I really am six-foot-two, despite what you think you saw. Oh, and and not only that, but I'm changing my name to "Edward Cullen." Then what would you think of me? Delusional? Psychotic? Irrational? Call me anything, but please call me Edward Cullen.

The Republican Party is acting just as delusional. "We're conservative defenders of the American Way" says the Republican Robert Pattinson as he votes against the stimulus bill. Meanwhile, Edward Cullen is standing with an oversized check along with 25 local voters touting the new jobs that are coming to the district. All a result of the bill Robert Pattinson vetoed! What a beautiful arrangement.

It's enough to make my ["True"] blood boil!

A question for Twihards: Is it just me or does it look like it's been a while since Mitch McConnell last fed? On the other hand John Boehner looks like he fed too long on the blood of an orange-faced mandrill.

Such is the life of a vampire, I suppose. Everything about him draws us in. His face, his voice... even his smell. If only what they were putting out didn't stink so bad.

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